General Hospital blog - August, 2007
August 1st, 2007
Ric manages to control the questioning so Elizabeth is asked if she’s ever slept with Jason. Jerry beats up on Nikolas (who’s just cut him off from Cassadine funds), then gets Carly’s help to enlist Spinelli to give them information on Alcazar so they can go to Venezuela and somehow exonerate Jason. Kate and Sonny are both unhelpful to Ric’s case against Jason. Amelia meets a witness who claims to have seen Jason taking Alcazar’s body out of his house. Irina wants revenge against Jerry…but first, sex with Jax! Lulu admits to Spinelli that she doesn’t see them ever being romantically involved.
Okay, if Diane didn’t object at all to Ric’s questions about Elizabeth’s relationship with Jason, she kind of sucks as a lawyer. Kate should be a professional witness, though.
Tune in tomorrow for the further wacky adventures of Jerry and Carly! Or, you know, not.
Logan? No one cares.
Lucky, seriously, go draw up some divorce papers and save yourself some time.
August 2nd, 2007
Elizabeth admits in court that she slept with Jason. Amelia warns Sam about the testimony, so Sam alerts Nikolas to go support Lucky. Carly and Jerry head to Venezuela. Jax tries to get Irina to leave the room so he can use her cell phone. Kate starts bonding with Michael and Morgan. Lulu and Logan play pool with the agreement that if she wins, he has to leave her alone, but if he wins, she has to go out on a date with him.
Carly’s going to be so ticked when she finds out Michael and Morgan like Kate. I can’t wait!
How many days till Carly and Jerry do something ambiguously romantic? Probably not many.
More boring: bad-boy Logan or trying-too-hard Logan? Discuss.
Wait till Lucky finds out how many people knew about Elizabeth and Jason (including his brother and sister)....
August 3rd, 2007
Elizabeth commits perjury in order to keep the truth about Jake’s paternity from Lucky. Later, she lets loose on Ric for hurting people intentionally. A delirious Jerry kisses Carly, thinking she’s Irina. Jax would rather be tortured than cheat on Carly, but he’ll let Irina think otherwise. Sam tells Jason that Elizabeth lied about Jake’s paternity to keep Jason from ever claiming him - if he does, Elizabeth will be proven a perjurer. Lulu and Logan have a date and kiss.
Someone get Lucky a calculator, because it took him about 20 minutes to even entertain the thought that Jake might be Jason’s son. Yes, he’s exactly the person I want protecting and serving my hometown.
Sonny? Have Coop steal the freaking recorder already.
Carly and Jerry kissed already? That was quick! Irina an idiot?
Did anyone else laugh when Nikolas flinched because Lucky threw a stuffed animal? It was stuffed! It wouldn’t have hurt!
August 4th, 2007
Next week: more trial stuff, Skye stands up to Ric, and...more trial stuff.
August 6th, 2007
Carly has to tend to Jerry, and then someone tries to kill them. (Good times.) Kate saves Morgan from drowning, then passes out. Ric offers up a plea bargain, and Jason worries that he’ll hurt people he loves until Jason accepts it. Elizabeth keeps lying to Lucky. Robin, Patrick, Lulu, and Logan were there, too.
If Kate is pregnant...well, I’ll probably cry, but after that I’ll laugh my head off. (Of course, she stands a 1 in 3 chance of miscarrying. It’s Port Charles, after all.)
If Lucky is this mad that Sam knew about Jason and Elizabeth and kept quiet, wait till he finds out, you know, HIS SISTER KNEW. Just keeping things in perspective.
Raise your hand if you care about Noah and Anna’s possible sex life. Thought so.
You know, if one of my brothers were on trial for murder, I would visit him in lockup...well, more than once. Way to go, Emily.
August 7th, 2007
Sonny rushes Kate to the hospital, where he learns that she was bitten by a poisonous snake. He tells Epiphany about their past together and is obviously totally smitten. Diane considers trying to discredit Ric, then warns Jason that he might not get an acquittal. Robin and Patrick want Anna and Noah to keep things professional, but Anna and Noah want them to butt out. For some reason Robin won’t have sex with Patrick until their parents split up. Jerry kills the shooter with a pen, and Carly tells the police that she thinks Alcazar is alive and after her. Sam tells Lucky she’s sorry for keeping Elizabeth and Jason’s night together a secret from him.
Way to have confidence in your lawyering skills, there, Diane.
Hey, Patrick? If you’re trying to get your girlfriend in the mood for sex, it’s probably best not to mention her mother.
Someone please cancel The Carly and Jerry Show. I’d much rather watch, say, The Jax and Alexis Show.
Between the poisonous snakes, the gun battles, and the random explosions, I’m staying the heck away from Port Charles.
August 8th, 2007
Skye commits perjury, saying that she didn’t see Jason around the time Alcazar disappeared. Ric then gets her to admit that Alcazar wouldn’t abandon his daughter. Jerry tries to make a bank official think Alcazar is alive, going so far as to place a call to “Alcazar” so the official can talk to him. Noah drinks, then begs off of surgery with Patrick. Lulu gets a birthday present from Logan in the form of a make-out session. The Quartermaines want to know if Jason is Jake’s father, but Lulu won’t tell them anything. Sam tells Lucky that Elizabeth is to blame for her breakup with Jason. Elizabeth comes home from court to find Sam and Lucky playing with Cameron and Jake together.
Hi, Skye! Too bad the first time we see you in forever, you’re committing perjury. Also, Diane should probably be nicer to Skye, since she’s the one person besides Jason who knows exactly what happened.
I don’t get why Noah doesn’t just tell people he’s a) decided to quit drinking or b) wants to be professional about playing a charity gig. With so many celebrities going to rehab, no one would be surprised.
Are the writers thinking what I’m thinking re: Alcazar? Identical triplets!
Happy Birthday, Lulu! I wish you a normal family.
August 9th, 2007
Ric questions Alcazar’s gardener, who supposedly saw Jason leaving the house with Alcazar’s body. Sonny tries to intimidate Skye into supporting Jason, but she’s not game. Jerry runs out of ideas. Sonny takes Kate home, where Alexis accidentally freaks her out by pointing out that Sonny comes with a family. Lulu is reluctant to have sex again after what happened the last time she did.
It would totally be just like Sam to go after Lucky. But Elizabeth needs to act like a grownup, take responsibility for her own actions, and not tattle to Sam’s mommy.
For a short murder trial, Ric is sure taking his sweet time getting all the evidence out there.
Oh, Lulu. Just go on the pill. (Kate, you should probably take that advice, too.)
Why is all the Venezula action happening off-screen? I guess they didn’t want to build new sets.
August 10th, 2007
Jerry manufactures evidence to prove that Alcazar is alive, then makes sure it gets to Diane. Jason tells Diane that Alcazar’s gardener faked his testimony because Jason killed his brother. Just as Sonny is trying to convince Kate to stay in Port Charles, Mac arrives to arrest her. Coop catches Logan and Maxie making out. Sonny is furious to learn from Spinelli that Carly and Jerry are in Venezuela. Alexis warns Sam not to make any rash decisions regarding Lucky and revenge on Elizabeth. Nikolas takes Elizabeth’s side and tries to defend her to Lucky.
So...this means the trial is over, right? Because there’s only so long they can keep dragging out three days.
Wow, Nikolas is kind of a bad brother. Can he get his own plot now so he’ll stay out of this one?
Poor Spinelli. He needs a geeky, Internet-loving girlfriend.
Wonder what Kate did. Let’s take bets!
August 11th, 2007
Next week: more Irina stuff, Sam does exactly what she’s been warned against doing, and Jason gets his verdict. (Gee, I wonder if they’ll give him the death penalty?)
August 13th, 2007
The judge allows Diane to admit Jerry’s fake evidence, which she expresses her gratitude to Jerry over. Kate is booked for reckless driving and her second hit-and-run. Coop blasts Maxie and Logan for making out, then fights with Maxie in front of Spinelli. Spinelli tells Lulu about Logan and Maxie’s kiss, but she thinks he’s lying. Nikolas is on to Sam. Lucky doesn’t appreciate Elizabeth asking Alexis to tell Sam to back off.
Ric, you’re an idiot. I hope when he inevitably loses the case, Alexis gets to return as DA.
Why doesn’t Lulu tell Elizabeth that she knows Jason is Jake’s father? There was no reason not to tell her before, and now she has an excuse to mention it. Maybe she just doesn’t hate Elizabeth and want to hold something over her head the way I do (though with me it’s more that I’d like to drop something on her head. Something heavy and painful).
Carly? Jason is not your husband. Chill.
Poor Coop and Spinelli. They should form a Lonely, Misunderstood Men Club.
August 14th, 2007
Ric recalls Sam to the stand, hoping she’ll be angry enough over Jason and Elizabeth’s affair that she’ll make up stuff about Jason killing Alcazar, but she doesn’t give in. The prosecution rests and Diane gets to remind the jury that no one ever found Alcazar’s body. Irina wants Jax for a sex slave, and she wants Carly to know all about it. Robin fights with Patrick, then admits that she thinks she might be pregnant. Kate is released into Sonny’s custody and trades clothes with a hooker to get past the press. Sonny tries to make her realize how serious her situation could be. Carly gives Lulu advice on being with Logan and still staying friends with Spinelli.
Yay for Sam for being mature! Yeah, she still got in a dig at Jason while she was on the stand, but she was still pretty mature for Sam.
Funny how the doctors (especially the ones who use protection) are the ones who get pregnant so easily. Maybe Robin and Patrick use Enduros?
Something tells me Irina won’t live through this storyline, if only because Carly’s absolutely going to murder her.
Poor Jason. Even facing conviction for murder, people still want his help with their personal lives.
August 15th, 2007
Jason’s verdict comes back (but of course, we don’t get to hear it yet). Jerry tells Carly that he hired “Irina” to pretend she’s with Jax, but Carly figures out that he’s lying and doesn’t actually know where Jax is. Robin isn’t pregnant but isn’t as happy as she expected to be. Tracy wants Logan and Scott to take a paternity test. Edward and Monica forbid Lulu from seeing Logan.
Gee, I wonder what the verdict will be? Pretend I’m that gullible.
Speaking of Carly, why does she believe anything Jerry says?
Can we stop with the whole Robin-thinks-Patrick-has-commitment-issues thing? He’s been with her for, what, a year and a half now? It’s just not realistic anymore.
Apparently Edward and Monica have forgotten what happens when you forbid someone from dating someone else. You’d think they’d remember everything they did wrong while raising Emily.
August 16th, 2007
Jason is exonerated (shocker) and Elizabeth wastes no time in seeing him. Jerry sneaks off to Turkey to find Jax. Carly gets Max to tell her where he’s going and makes him promise not to tell Sonny she’s on her way there, too. Irina still likes torturing Jax, who she has shot with a tranquilizer dart. Ric vows to go after Sonny next.
Jason needs to get good news more often so he can smile ALL THE TIME.
Dear Lucky, get a divorce and a paternity test. Not necessarily in that order.
Oh, Ric. You’re such a child. I for one can’t wait until Trevor comes (next week, supposedly) and Ric’s daddy issues are brought out in the open.
I’m impressed that Carly knows where Turkey is.
August 17th, 2007
Irina thinks Jerry is moving in, so she decides to kill Jax sooner rather than later. Carly sweet-talks a customs official to help her find Jerry. Kate wants to go to Paris for a fashion event, but Mommy and Daddy (AKA Diane and Sonny) say no. She vows to go anyway and Sonny says he’ll teach her a lesson in humility. Elizabeth, Cameron, and Jake are ambushed by men with guns who know she’s connected to Jason. Spinelli thinks Jason should move in on Elizabeth, but Lulu wants him to keep quiet. Things between Sam and Lucky progress exactly as you’d expect.
Trying to summon up some anxiety towards Elizabeth...nope, not happening.
Can’t Lucky be the smart one for once? It would be funny if he knew Sam was trying to play him and was just playing along. I doubt it, but it would still be a nice development.
Okay, Diane has to become a regular. She’s so much more interesting than half the cast.
Cue Irina’s horrible, violent, bloody death in 3...2...
August 19th, 2007
This week: Sam is...Sam, Ric’s father shows up, and Rick Springfield finally sings.
August 20th, 2007
Sam pretends to save Elizabeth, Cameron, and Jake from the gunmen, who she hired. Jason tells Elizabeth he wants to try to have a life with her and the kids, then decides it’s too dangerous. Irina finds Jerry and Carly and tells them she killed Jax. Sonny wants to make sure Kate knows she could be facing jail time. Lulu and Logan are about to have sex or something.
Irina is such an idiot. And so is Carly, if she believes that Jax is dead.
Wow, Sam is evil. Respectably so, though.
I couldn’t care less whether Jason and Elizabeth get together. I could try, but it would take more effort than I’m willing to put forth.
You know, sometimes I wonder why Mike gets any screen time anymore. The toaster just gots its SAG card, however.
August 21st, 2007
Carly finds Jax, but Irina catches her before the two of them can escape. Jason decides it’s too risky to be with Elizabeth. Logan and Lulu…you know. Maxie shows up and Logan tells her the deal is off since he doesn’t think Lulu will ever sleep with him. Diane brokers a deal for Kate, who repays her with a private fitting. Ric is unhappy with the situation and vows to throw the book at Kate. Lucky wants to try to salvage his marriage, for some reason.
Anyone care about Carly? I’m just wondering what it feels like.
Awww, Logan is so noble. How long till this blows up in his face?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: more Diane, please!
Lucky is going to feel like a HUGE idiot when the truth inevitably comes out.
August 22nd, 2007
Elizabeth admits to Emily that she loves Jason, then asks Sonny to take care of him. He criticizes her decisions regarding Jason. Kate thinks Ric is trying to damage her to get to Sonny, so she tells him she’ll cut all ties to Sonny if Ric okays her deal with the ADA. He refuses, letting her know that Sonny has manic depression. Kate then makes out with some guy (who I’m 99 percent sure is Trevor Lansing). Jason and Spinelli think Ric was behind Elizabeth’s near-kidnapping. Noah comes down with stage fright, then a completely contrived throat injury. Sam tells Lucky she feels like the guys in the park may come after her, then asks him to be her bodyguard. Max is on to Sam.
I LOVE that Sonny totally put the smackdown on Elizabeth for being so wishy-washy about Jason. That was AWESOME.
Interesting that Jason and Spinelli both think Ric is to blame for the confrontation in the park. What would be even more interesting is Sam finding out and using that to deflect attention from herself.
So...does this mean Kate knows who Ric is in relation to Trevor? Because that would be really weird.
Remember when Emily and Nikolas had plotlines? Yeah, me neither.
August 23rd, 2007
Trevor (who happens to be a mob attorney) is more than happy to help Kate get the better of Ric. Robin grants Eli a temporary release from the hospital so he can sing and Noah can lip sync, but Contrivance has other ideas. Spinelli discovers where the guys from the park can be found. Lucky agrees to be Sam’s bodyguard. Her first potentially dangerous visitor is, of course, Elizabeth. Maxie tells Sam of her plans for Lulu and Sam warns her not to use sex as revenge. Nikolas and Emily are really, really boring.
Trevor is obviously a total worm...and yet I’m ten times more interested in anything he’s doing than in everything else going on right now.
Really, how many people want to hear Rick Springfield sing? This isn’t the ‘80s, remember.
Shut up and take your own advice, Sam. But mostly just shut up.
This Nikolas/business stuff is going somewhere, right? It’s not just an excuse for me to take a quick nap between Trevor scenes?
Two days in a row without Carly! Did Christmas come early this year?
August 24th, 2007
Sonny warns Ric that Anthony Zacchara is going to invade Port Charles and flood the town with drugs. Ric is apathetic until Kate tells him Trevor is her lawyer. Max then brings Trevor to Sonny, who has just learned from Kate who he is. Jerry tells Irina he’s only been hanging around Port Charles to screw over Jax, so he’d be more than happy to kill Carly and run off with Irina. Jason and Spinelli find the guys from the park, who spill that Sam paid them to scare Elizabeth. Anna splits town, but not before telling the crowd about having a daughter with HIV, making out with Noah a few more times, and freaking out Patrick by encouraging Robin to have children. Lucky decides it’s not worth it to work on his marriage and goes off to make out with Sam instead.
Everyone say “Anthony Zacchara” a few more times, please. No one has said it enough yet.
Oh, Jerry, you mustn’t tease me so. Just pull the trigger already. Though I’m sure either there are no bullets in the gun or he’ll turn and shoot Irina instead. Either way, I know I’ll be disappointed.
Hey, Elizabeth? Even though you and Lucky slept with other people on the same night, he didn’t have a baby with someone else and then lie about it. So shut up. (Also, you may think no one who had sex the night of the blackout is “holier” than anyone else, but what about Alexis? Maybe you’ve forgotten about her since she’s handling things maturely and...also is nowhere to be seen.)
‘Bye, Anna! I’m...still not sure why you dropped by, honestly.
August 25th, 2007
Next week: Jason confronts Sam (awesome), Jerry keeps playing with people’s minds, and lots of Trevor/Ric/Sonny stuff.
August 27th, 2007
Jerry declares his love for Irina, then kills her. Disgusted, Jax cuts him loose and heads home with Carly. Trevor and Sonny face off. Trevor later tells Kate that Sonny tried to kill Adela when he was a kid. Amelia is sure that Sam is only going after Lucky for revenge. Elizabeth won’t admit to Emily that she’s in love with Jason.
Apparently everything six-year-olds do determine what they’re going to be like as adults. I probably shouldn’t have eaten all that glue as a kid...
Is it just me or do Carly and Jax have zero chemistry? Seriously, even their body language makes me think they don’t want to sit next to each other, let alone have sex. She had more chemistry with Jerry when she was supposed to hate him.
Oh, Sam, you got some ‘splaining to do...
Emily just keeps gaining points with me. Today it was for talking about emotional infidelity. She’s definitely a lot less annoying than she used to be.
August 28th, 2007
Jason threatens to kill Sam if she goes near Elizabeth and Jake again. Carly and Jax fight over their respective infidelities and she announces that she doesn’t want to sleep with him for a while in case he caught something from Irina. Trevor tells Ric to drop the charges against Kate or he’ll get Alexis full custody of Molly. Sonny tells Kate his side of the Trevor situation, but she still sides with Trevor. He then informs Diane that she’s off Kate’s case, which upsets her because it means she doesn’t get her designer dress.
Okay, now I want Sam to go near Elizabeth and Jake because it means Jason will have to kill her. Go for it, Sam!
I’m probably supposed to hate Trevor and side with Ric in this situation, but if Trevor is going to figure out a way to get Alexis full custody of Molly, I’m going to have to like him. A lot.
Thank you, Jax, for pointing out the obvious and making Carly have to shut up because you’re COMPLETELY RIGHT. And I’d totally forgotten that Carly married someone else and slept with him while she was supposed to be engaged to Jax. So shut up, blondie. Also, I’m so sure that in the middle of basically raping Jax, Irina paused to let him put on a condom. Good thing she’s dead (right? RIGHT?) and won’t turn up pregnant.
I love Diane. That is all.
August 29th, 2007
Jason wants to align with Jerry to protect Carly, Michael, and Morgan from Zacchara. Little does he know that Jerry is already aligned with Trevor. Emily thinks Jax should forgive Jerry, noting that she can’t really hate him because he helped exonerate Jason. Maxie hides in Logan’s closet as he and Lulu prepare to go another round in the sack. Depressed over the news that Lulu has probably slept with Logan, Spinelli fantasizes about Playboy bunnies. Blah blah Carly doesn’t trust Jax now blah blah. Nikolas wants to go on vacation with Emily, who can’t because of her internship. Ford blasts her for chatting during work hours and Nikolas threatens to have him fired.
I have a new drinking game: drink every time someone says “Anthony Zacchara.”
I’m really ticked that there were Playboy bunnies on today. Is Trump running the show now?
Part of me wonders if Nikolas understands that having a real job means you can’t just take a vacation whenever you want. And part of me wants Nikolas to just fire Ford for the heck of so we don’t have to put up with him anymore.
Ew, Maxie. You need deep psychological help. (Not that we didn’t already know that.)
August 30th, 2007
Logan spots Maxie in the closet and rushes Lulu out of the apartment. Coop catches Maxie spying on Lulu and Logan in the park and calls them out. Maxie later goes to Logan’s apartment and they start making out. Jax makes it clear to Jason that he can protect his family himself. Kate is upset to overhear Ric telling Sonny that she was one of Trevor’s many mistresses. Ford gives in to Nikolas’ demands, but Emily doesn’t want to press her luck and take a vacation right now. Carly isn’t sure Lulu should trust Logan so much. Jason doesn’t like hearing that Logan forced Lulu to kiss him. Ric orders Logan to tell him when Sonny plans to kill Zacchara so he can arrest him. Ric then fills Coop in on his plans.
Amazingly, I have another reason to like Emily - she acted like a professional, then stood up to Nikolas when he was being completely weird. Yay for spines!
Hey, Spinelli? I know it was totally inappropriate for forcing a kiss on Lulu, but...I don’t remember her complaining that much. And currently she wouldn’t complain at all, so you might want to just let that one go.
Maxie is just a bundle full of psychological problems, isn’t she?
What does Kate think she was to Trevor if not a mistress? A woman who sleeps with a married man is, by definition, a mistress. Would she like a fancier word like paramour? Because I can go with that. No problem for me.
August 31st, 2007
Carly warns Logan not to hurt Lulu. Little does she know that Maxie has just blackmailed Logan (by threatening to tell Lulu about their deal) into sleeping with her. Spinelli worries that Jason will have Logan killed. Lulu makes it clear that she won’t be able to forgive Spinelli if Jason hurts Logan. Sonny doesn’t see Kate as the person he used to know anymore. Carly and Jax question their future together. Ditto Elizabeth and Lucky, whom Jason catches kissing Sam.
Happy Everyone’s Relationship is Falling Apart Day!
I’m surprised Sonny would even think about touching Kate after knowing that she’s been with Trevor. Though maybe he thinks if something happens between them, he’ll be able to stick it to Trevor.
The way Maxie is going, she’s going to end up dead in a gutter someday.
As much as I dislike Elizabeth and the way she treats Lucky, if I were her and he were talking to me the way he does, I’d immediately stop ironing his clothes. You talk bad to me, you iron your own stuff, buddy.
Kidnapped: Jax Jacks
Left town: Carly Jacks, Jerry Jacks
Perjurer: Elizabeth Spencer
Almost acquitted: Jason Morgan
Arrested: Kate Howard
Perjurers: Skye Quartermaine, that gardener
Probably going to be murdered by his best friend: Logan Hayes
About to be kidnapped: Elizabeth Spencer, Jake Spencer, Cameron Webber
Exonerated: Jason Morgan
Kind of an adulterer: Jax Jacks
Left town: Carly Jacks, Jerry Jacks
About to do something naughty: Lucky Spencer and Sam McCall
Kidnapped: Carly Jacks, Jerry Jacks
Left town: Anna Scorpio
New in town: Trevor Lansing
A step away from divorce: Carly and Jax Jacks, Elizabeth and Lucky Spencer
Back in town: Carly Jacks, Jax Jacks, Jerry Jacks
Cheaters: Maxie Jones and Logan Hayes
Dead (right? RIGHT?): Irina