General Hospital blog - January, 2005

January 3rd, 2005

Once again, I don’t care about Diego, Alcazar, Maria, Bridget, Sam, or the baby. Who still needs a name.

Alexis should be drunk more often. Even though Sonny’s being a jerk about it. First of all, Sonny, you probably shouldn’t tell your lawyer that you’re going to blackmail someone. Second of all, you were already allowed to take Kristina out of the country; you don’t need leverege. So shut up already.

Carly - DO NOT GIVE IN TO MICHAEL. He is a bratty moppet and should be treated as such.

We want Helena! We want Helena!

January 4th, 2005

Sonny wants Michael to stop he’s going to take him to the island? I...don’t get it.

Speaking of the island, I bet Alexis will make Ric go there for their honeymoon so she can keep an eye on Kristina. That would rock - Alexis, Ric, Kristina, Sonny, Jordan, Michael, and Morgan together in Puerto Rico. Um, except for the Sonny, Jordan, and Michael parts.

Dear Courtney, worry about your own life.

I’m going to demand Helena until we see her.

January 5th, 2005

Sonny sure has a strange way of parenting, doesn’t he?

Who enrolls a two-year-old in preschool?

Way to be creative with the baby’s name, Jason. I like the name, but...“the baby’s like a miracle; let’s call her Hope.” It’s been done.

Okay, Jordan, I think we’ve put up with you just about long enough.

I still want Helena.

January 6th, 2005

Wow, nothing happened today. Kristina’s not going to Puerto Rico, Sonny’s buying the house Ric and Alexis wanted, and...wait, that’s it. I’m so glad I spent 45 minutes of my life on that.

January 7th, 2005

Next week on GH...

Monday: Alexis catches Ric in a lie. (That’s not good.)
Tuesday: Jason and Sam take their relationship to the next level. (That’s really not good.)
Wednesday: Durant is determined to get what he wants. (Go away, Durant.)
Thursday: Luke and Skye set a trap for Helena. (Best of luck!)
Friday: Carly returns to her old tricks. (When did she leave her old tricks.)

Ask and you shall receive. Rock on, Helena. Now, be a doll and kill Emily, would you?

Those ten minutes of a guy making a copy of Sonny’s key were just riveting. I wish every episode could include stuff like that.

They probably shouldn’t end with a scene of Bridget telling Sam she’s taking the baby back when we just saw an ad in which Sam still has the baby. I’m not stupid, promo people.

Why are Carly and Alcazar getting stuck in an elevator together? Am I supposed to care?

January 10th, 2005

Dear writers, thank you, thank you, thank you for bringing back Helena. It’s the best (belated) Christmas present ever.

I’d completely forgotten that Alexis still didn’t know that Ric knew Kristina was Sonny’s daughter before she told him. What’s up with that lab tech? He needs to get a life.

Okay, I’m serious this time. Enough with showing Emily and Nikolas every time they have sex. We get it - they’re married, therefore they have sex. We don’t need to see it!

I still don’t understand why the writers had Carly and Alcazar get stuck in an elevator together. Was it just so she could stick her nose in someone else’s business and complain about Alexis again? Because been there, done that.

Jax and Courtney are starting to rival Sonny and Carly for the worst relationship ever.

January 11th, 2005

I love Luke’s reaction to Connor saying that Helena threatened to kill Emily - basically, “whatever.” I also love Luke’s reaction to Connor in general - “shut it, pretty boy.”

Why is everyone hanging out in Sonny’s new house all of a sudden? Who the heck is that completely random guy who kind of looks like Lucky? And am I completely crazy for thinking that Ric and Jordan are going to hook up?

Shut up, Carly. You need a hobby so you’ll stop butting into other people’s business. You’ve never even met Bridget, so be quiet.

I’m still so bored by Sam and Jason. I don’t even care that they had sex. I’m so apathetic towards them.

January 12th, 2005

Emily is the worst best friend in the world, and Elizabeth deserves so much better than her. Who lies to her best friend about being pregnant? That’s insane. Why didn’t they just tell Elizabeth the truth in the first place? She needs to find some new friends.

I think that Courtney thinks she and Jason are Ross and Rachel. Seriously, enough with the whole “we broke up but I’m still jealous of Sam because she’s with him.” You’re sleeping with Jax, Blondie! You don’t get a say! Either get back together or avoid each other at all costs, because the whole situation is ridiculous now.

Why would Durant tell Carly that Steven’s going to tell the police that Alcazar killed Mary? Durant’s the one who’s holding the information against Alcazar anyway. The writers screwed up that one bigtime.

I don’t hate Bridget or anything, but why is she still here?

Hi, Lucas! Um...‘bye, Lucas!

January 13th, 2005

Hey, Coleman, if you kill Emily, I promise I’ll never say anything mean about your hair again.

Yay for the Lucky/Elizabeth kiss! I’m so happy!

Poor Steven. Too bad he’s actually guilty and isn’t being arrested unfairly. Have fun getting out of that one.

I don’t get the whole plan Luke had going (at least before Skye changed it). Why was Emily dressed as a cop? And why was she wearing a cloak later? And why didn’t she actually leave the casino? I don’t get it.

Jordan’s the smartest woman to ever cross paths with Sonny. Run, run, run before you get pregnant!

January 14th, 2005

Next week on GH...

Monday: Sam accuses Courtney of trying to break up her and Jason. (In that case, go, Courtney!)
Tuesday: Connor’s behavior unnerves Emily. (Can we please get Nikolas out of prison and get rid of Connor already?)
Wednesday: Carly soothes Sam’s fears about Courtney. (Once again, she’s getting into someone else’s business.)
Thursday: Nothing; inauguration
Friday: Emily’s nightmare is just beginning to unfold; Carly grows even more suspicious of Durant. (I would say something snarky about Emily, but...well, I know what’s going to happen, and I’m not that mean.)

When did Coleman become such a wimp?

I don’t care if that creepy guy who I originally thought looked like Lucky but who actually looks more like Ross isn’t real. If he hurts Kristina, I’ll make him pay!

Stop it, Jason. Don’t marry that annoying woman. You can do so much better.

Once again, Carly has committed a crime. And Steven’s an accomplice! Oh, Steven, I thought you were better than that.

Quote of the day: “Is this your house? Oh, right. I almost forgot.” (Alan to Monica)

January 15th, 2005

I really must stop reading GH rumors. (I don’t read them a lot! I don’t usually like to have things ruined for me!) Anyway, if you don’t want to be spoiled, stop reading here. Among the more interesting rumors...

Connor is going to rape Emily. This has pretty much been confirmed, and I think it happens this week. On top of this, she may get pregnant for real, then have to figure out who’s the father, Nikolas or Connor. And as if that weren’t enough, Emily kills Connor. Helena sees her do so and thinks that Nikolas is dead. Um...that’s three faked deaths for Nikolas in 12 months. Is that a new record?

Lucky will wind up in a coma when he tries to save Emily from Helena. Lucky finally gets a storyine AND HE’S UNCONSCIOUS?? The writers really do hate Greg Vaughan!

Faith will kidnap Kristina. This has also been confirmed. First of all, yay for Faith! Second of all, if she hurts Kristina, I can no longer like her. Third of all, I’ve also heard that she kidnaps Kristina, Michael, and Morgan. (If she were smart, she would’ve left Michael behind.) Fourth of all, I’ve also heard that Sonny kills her. BOO!

Steven’s ex-girlfriend Rachel shows up. Don’t know who’s playing her.

Bridget is working for A.J., who’s also Hope’s father (making her the second of A.J.’s children Jason has adopted) and will be returning in February, being played again by Billy Warlock. This has pretty much been confirmed as well. Not that I care, but where’s Lydia?

Courtney and Jax get engaged, get un-engaged, have a Lost-type adventure on an island, or possibly all of the above. This will make three times Jax has been stranded on an island, I believe.

Jason and Sam get married. Oh, great, more boring stuff.

Durant will be killed. I can get behind that.

Skye may be a Cassadine. I know of some people who have been wanting this, actually. In the mid-1990s, Miranda (anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Well, I liked her) was supposed to turn out to be Helena’s long-lost daughter, so maybe it’ll wind up being Skye instead.

Lucky and Elizabeth get married. I can get behind that, too.

Sonny is leaving the mob. To do what? Grow soybeans?

January 17th, 2005

Do you think they’re trying to foreshadow something bad happening with Connor and Emily? It would take someone very naive not to pick up on it.

I’m starting to need caffeine to stay awake during Jason and Sam’s scenes.

Kristina is so adorable, EVERYONE wants to spend time with her!

I could get behind Lois and Ned getting back together. I used to love them together. It’s not like he has anything else to do anyway.

Speaking of getting back together, yay, Elizabeth and Lucky!

January 18th, 2005

Enough foreshadowing! We know something’s going to happen with Connor and Emily! We know it’s going to be bad! We know Connor’s evil! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Dear Skye - go with your first instinct and get Emily out of there. Seriously, who trusts Emily with Connor?

I used to actually like Courtney, but now she just bugs me. She keeps getting involved in Sam and Jason’s business and accusing them of stuff they’re not doing. And why is she telling Carly about their issues? Get a life, Courtney! Go make out with your hot boyfriend and have a baby so you’ll stop whining about it.

How sad that Georgie and Dillon’s little plot, which was obviously tacked on because there was nothing else to put in, was the most interesting thing in the episode?

January 19th, 2005

The foreshadowing ends Friday, right?


Enough about Courtney’s miscarriage! People talk about it more than anyone talks about Sam’s baby being stillborn or the fact that Skye can’t have children, either. Everyone needs to just shut up about it.

When did they move Puerto Rico to New York?

I really hope Bridget is working with A.J. That would be an awesome revelation.

January 21st, 2005

Next week on GH...

Monday: Sam unleashes her hurt and anger on Jason. (Why does all the bad stuff happen to Jason?)
Tuesday: Courtney reveals to Jason how she really feels about him. (To get my opinion on this, read anything I’ve ever written about Courtney and Jason.)
Wednesday: Helena is determined to get rid of Emily for good. (Is this supposed to be news?)
Thursday: Sonny is oblivious to the threat against his children. (Way to go, Mr. Security.)
Friday: Emily’s brave face begins to falter. (I’m reeeeeeeally hoping Natalia Livinston can pull this all off.)

I hereby promise to be nice to Emily week ought to do it, don’t you think?

Does anyone honestly care what happens with Bridget, Hope, Sam, Jason, etc.? I just can’t bring myself to care.

Darn Skye! Why’d you have to go and interrupt Elizabeth and Lucky?

Why is Brook over at Sonny’s house? That’s so random. Why is she involved in this plot? Also, they should probably stop giving Sarah and Emma Smith so many cookies when they’re onscreen. They’re going to turn them into sugar monsters.

January 24th, 2005

This may be the first day I didn’t dislike Natalia Livingston. Probably because she only had about two lines.

How was Connor still standing after taking a pair of scissors to the chest?

Yeah, a giant seashell is a practical gift for a two-year-old.

Dear Carly, please stay out of Alexis and Sonny’s business. Kristina isn’t your child, so you have nothing to do with their conversations about her.

Shut up, Sam, you big baby. It’s not Jason’s fault.

Max, go back and be a good guard! I don’t want to have to blame you for Kristina’s kidnapping!

January 25th, 2005

Seriously, did Natalia Livingston take acting classes or something? I don’t hate her right now! I’m amazed!

I do, however, hate Sam. SHUT UP, SAM. GO AWAY. FOREVER. Also, are they trying to make us think that she’s going to kidnap Kristina? Because she’s not.

I kind of want Jason and Courtney to get back together just so everyone will shut up about it.

Nooooooooooooo! Steven cut off his curls!!! Not cool. He could have at least taken Lucky along when he got his hair cut.

I love Max. He should have his own show. They could call it The Bodyguard and every week he could guard a different person. Then, when that got old, he could become a Secret Service agent and hang out with the President, maybe as played by Martin Sheen after he has to leave The West Wing. I would watch a show like that.

I also love Elizabeth’s reaction to Lucky’s suggestion that they cover up Connor’s death: “We’ve done this before, and it doesn’t usually work out, and even when it does, we have no idea why.”

January 26th, 2005

And just like that, I’m back to hating Emily. I can’t believe she lied straight to Elizabeth’s face when she basically said that she wouldn’t. KILL HER, HELENA! KILL HER GOOD!

I’m convinced that Sam doesn’t care about Hope - she just wants her own baby. She doesn’t care whether it’s Hope or Kristina or any other little girl. She should just go get pregnant and have her own baby and shut up about it. Maybe that’s who she was calling - a fertility clinic.

Faith, go ahead and kidnap Michael. I promise not to hate you for that.

Oh, Bridget. What would A.J. say?

Poor Max. I still love you!

From the The GH Writers Hate Me Department, rumor has it that they’re bringing back Sarah Webber. I’m up in the attic, digging through my Sarah Webber Hate Archive as we speak.

January 27th, 2005

I’d be all excited about the outcome of the Lucky/Helena face-off, but I already know what’s going to happen. Nice try, though, writers.

Emily stole that cell phone-stealing thing from Lucky, by the way. (He did it to Faison back in 1999.)

Goodbye, Sam! I wish you’d go away and never come back, but I rarely get what I want where this show is concerned, so I’m not holding my breath.

Did anyone else find Elizabeth and Skye’s reaction to Lucky taking the cop’s gun unintentionally hilarious? They looked like they were in a bad comedy, trying to figure out which way to run.

Ned’s smackdown of Diego was brilliant. Ned needs to have more to do.

January 28th, 2005

Next week on GH...

Monday: Jax makes a proposal. (Yeah, that’s cryptic.)
Tuesday: Sonny fears that Sam kidnapped Kristina. (The writers want to make us think that. Don’t let them convince you!)
Wednesday: Lucky’s serious condition takes a turn for the worst. (I’ve read a spoiler about Lucky and Elizabeth through the spring, so I’m not worried.)
Thursday: Jason is determined to prove that Sam is innocent. (Also, welcome back, A.J.!)
Friday: Luke makes a heartbreaking decision. (I’m guessing he’s pulling the plug on Lucky. Again, I’m not worried.)

I just read that Natalia Livinston and Tyler Christopher are dating in real life. Which, based on the Friends rule of chemistry (if you’re not dating, you have a lot of it, and vice versa), explains why they have none.

The shows seem to be a day behind, thanks to the inauguration. That would be why there wasn’t really a cliffhanger today. I guess you can call the “Is Steven trying to say that Lucky’s dead?” thing a cliffhanger,’s not, and he’s not, and he’s not going to be, so don’t worry about it.

Wait, wait...Emily was kidnapped and Elizabeth went to work? Huh?

Look, we know the woman with the security monitors is Faith. Stop pretending we don’t know. Just show her already.

Skye rocks. Too bad the police are dumb.

January 31st, 2005

We can technically blame Diego for Kristina’s kidnapping! That’s awesome! I guess we can technically blame Brook as well, but I’m willing to overlook that and blame Diego. Oh, and Sonny, because if he was that worried about Michael and Kristina, he shouldn’t have sent them upstairs with a teenager. He should’ve kept them in the living room and made sure he, Jason, or a guard was there at all times. So, really, it’s Sonny’s fault. I’m willing to go with that, too.

So...are we supposed to think that because Alexis wasn’t at her apartment when Ric got there, she may have kidnapped Kristina? Why would she kidnap her own daughter? That’s ridiculous. (Um, overlook the fact that she did it before. It doesn’t make sense now.)

Like I said before - poor Lucky finally gets a plot, and he’s unconscious. At least Elizabeth gets to do some stuff.

That was so not Cynthia Preston on the phone. Is she really doing something so important that she couldn’t come back and do one voiceover line?

Carly - DROP ALCAZAR LIKE A BAD HABIT. You’ll thank me later.

Georgie wanted to have sex in a hospital supply closet? Are she and Dillon Chandler and Monica now?

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